Monday, April 18, 2011

This is Amazing but True! The Human Body

Hi Team:

As I was working my legs, I thought I'd have some fun with it, you know...keep the workout alive, put a new twist on it, etc., and record all the weight I lifted. For example, say I held a 25 lb. dumbbell in each hand and did a deadlift. I would have lifted 50 lbs. Say I performed 15 reps of the dead's at this weight. My total would then become 750 lbs. because 50 lbs. x 15 reps = 750 lbs. I know, it gets better. 

I recorded 813 reps total for my workout. I performed just 11 exercises, which were various deadlifts, squats, and lunges. My grand total came to an amazing 69,470 lbs.!!!! Seriously. This comes to 34.7 tons!!! I think that out does the ant, don't you? Personally, I was shocked.


This was just one of my workouts. Can you imagine adding up a weeks worth? Whoa. Yes, I'm a bit sore from my workout, but it's a good kind of sore. Yes, I'm a bit Extreme with my workouts, but that's what TIGHT is all about. Think for a moment, how much your body does for you on a regular basis, day in, and day out. One can never take the body for granted, nor the health thereof. Try my experiment with your next workout, and see what YOU come up with. Feel free to post your numbers and your workout on my blog, and we'll keep amazing each other.


You'd think lifting this amount of weight, I'd look like the Incredible Hulk. I have wee little legs, and am a wee size 46 year old mother, who's given birth to six children. I don't think I look like the Hulk. I don't want to look like the Hulk. Women generally will not turn into a Hulk, as women do not produce enough testosterone. Yes, there are those few women who produce larger amounts of testosterone than the normal female population, however, they are few. I am not one of them. In fact, I have my labs done on a regular basis (every six months), and the results have been the same for years..... I barely produce any testosterone, or progesterone, go figure! This means I must work extra hard, and trust me, 

Last year, competing as a Pro (in figure), I was asked to do a urine test because it was suspected I used steroids...I had to laugh, and laugh hard, as I'm sure the Olympic Committee did upon completing analysis of my specimen, and finding this gal produces none. 

I hear many people pass judgement on athletes they say are using steroids. I say unless you're 100% positive, and have seen the urine test for yourself, keep your thoughts to yourself. It's much easier to pass judgement on another, than up your own game several levels, but I suggest this in place of accusations. Put yourself in the other persons shoes, work as they work day in and day out, including the meal plans, etc., for say, a good year, then see if you feel the same way.

Some will read my blog today and think I've added my numbers wrong. I haven't. Some will look at my blog today and give it a whirl and write their own numbers down, and see it comes out much higher than mine! I know this will happen. Go ahead, write it all down, add it all up, and you'll be amazed. 


There are many ways we show our body we are grateful for it, and respect all it does for us:


Yes, we must first love ourselves if we are to care for ourselves. Sounds ridiculous, but you might be surprised at how many people really don't like themselves. Learn to love yourself. Look at all your strengths, successes, talents, abilities, and features of yourself you accept, and begin there. Begin nurturing yourself, and follow the rest of the items on this list. 

This means drinking AT LEAST half of your body weight in ounces, each day. This is referring to good old clean, pure water. NOT juice, NOT energy drinks, NOT coffee, and certainly NOT soda. The only item besides water that comes close to water is herbal tea, yes, the decaffeinated kind.

With all the physical work your body does for you each and every day, it needs fuel of the highest grade to keep putting out. This means a clean, whole foods, non-pesticide, non-additive meal plan. This means plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, lean meats, poultry, fish, and so forth. So you're a vegetarian....same principles apply but you must be sure to get ample sources of protein, and be sure you're getting enough B12 and iron, you may need to supplement.

Be sure to get both cardiovascular training, and weight training in. Both have a place in your body's health. Listen to your body, know when to push harder, and when to rest more. Change things up to keep boredom from setting in. Find a partner, join a gym, find a way to make it happen.

Keep yourself clean. Shower/bathe regularly. Clean clothes. Wear clothes that fit right (meaning they are not constricting, goes for belts, too), compliment you, and breathe. 

Yea, I know, we hear it all the time. "Be positive". Fake it till you make it. I believe cleansing begins from the inside-out, and it begins with our thoughts. Thoughts feed the action. If you don't like the action, change the thought! Remember, 


That's right. Be careful what you choose to think about. Be careful what you choose to tell yourself. If you catch yourself having a negative thought, come up with three positive ones to make up for it!

In todays, have it now society, it's easy to go all day, and skimp on sleep. Don't! Your body needs to recharge, rebuild, de-stress, and decompress. Jip on sleep and you jip yourself. Ditto rest. I hear clients telling me all the time how they have no time to sleep, to rest, I say BS! Fix your priorities. Okay, a few exceptions, of course, are the people such as firefighters, and those with similar, completely, unpredictable schedules, and careers. For the rest of us....are you seriously too busy, or not considering yourself and your health as important as your 'To Do" list? Or is it you haven't discovered how to say "No" to someone, and keep taking things on you have no time for? Or is it poor organizational skills? Yes, there are times when we do have more on the agenda then can be reasonably done every now and then, but it should be the exception, not the rule. I find too many people running, and thinking this is just the way it is, nonsense. You are the driver, aren't you? Take the wheel.

When you become ill, this is your body speaking to you. Most of the time, it's generally saying, "Listen, I tried to get your attention on several occasions to let you know things were getting out of hand, but for some reason you weren't listening, so now I must begin to shut down, because I'm not happy, and my needs are not getting met." Listen to your body. If you're sick why go to work when you have sick days? Why push a workout? Yes, sometimes illness seems to strike out of nowhere, when this happens, choose to look at it as your body needs to cleanse, take a break, and detox, etc.,  then assist it in the process by drinking plenty of water, resting, and using homeopathics, oils or whatever fits the bill. If you're not in the position to stop, take a day off, etc., do whatever you can to rest, keep your germs contained, and don't take anything unnecessary on.

I look at massage to the body, as sunshine to a plant. It detoxifies, gets rid of the knots, releases tension, relaxes, invigorates, and rejuvenates tissue. It can also speed the recovery process. It is healing mentally, emotionally, and physically. Human touch is best.

Life is too short to not do something we enjoy doing on a regular basis. Hiking, camping, fishing, photography, hunting, swimming, soccer, tennis, mountain biking, martial arts, basket weaving....find what works for you. I believe you should have several. Choose things you can do alone, as well as things you can do with a friend, or group. Have fun with it. Have fun, period! Life is to be enjoyed. Share the joy!



  1. I too, was selected to urine test at the last competition I just did. I was the only one, and they thought I had enough mass for a Figure short class that I was possibly using steroids as well. I didn't know weather to be flattered or insulted. Either way, it was 100% clean, of course, as I am 100% all natural...always have been always will be. I don;t even use thermogenics to burn fat or lean out. The key to really changing one's physique is emulated by Jill's example. Lift heavy, eat clean, and take care of your tight body properly with nutrition, water and good sleep. Tight Body Boot Camp ROCKS!! There's no "Magic Pill" just the REAL DEAL

  2. Thank you Gabriella! You have come so far. I cannot wait for your book to come out as many need to hear your story, it will surely change the perspective of many individuals, as well as provide hope.

    You look amazing!!! You should log YOUR leg workout, woman who stacks 6 plates on a leg press (Oh, did I mention this was 6 plates on EACH SIDE), and see what figure you come up with.....

  3. Thanks Jill for your positive words of encouragement and inspiration. You walk the walk and live the talk!

  4. Thanks, Carolee. So happy to have you in Zumba, I LOVE your energy!!!!!!
