Sunday, September 4, 2016


Learn how to care for shin splints
Shin splints seem to occur with everyone at one time or another. I believe shin splints are preventable, however, people don’t usually realize this until it’s too late.
If you’re already experiencing shin splints, know the same measures taken for prevention, can also help speed your recovery.


In other words, if you’re going to run all week, plan your runs. This means planning the distance, routes, intensity, and type of run. Also note the various surfaces you’ll be running on. Be aware of distances in both uphill and downhill, as well. Look over the week and be sure everything pans out. If you notice you’re running on a surface such as concrete or asphalt most of the time, you might want to vary it up and find a gravel path, track, or even grass, for various sections of your run. Hard surfaces can cause too much jarring, especially at long distances, and/or when fatigue sets in. Many runners once fatigued get become heavy footed, this puts the impact on the joints. Staying ‘light on your feet’, such as landing with control as a ballerina, moves the impact to the muscles. This is where many fall short, as their muscles fatigue they unknowingly begin transferring the impact to their joints. Hard surfaces multiply the impact.

Pay attention to the hours you’re putting in. Log intensity, days you did sprints, biked, hiked, climbed, etc. Be sure to spread out activities according to your training level and knowledge. Be aware of the signs of overtraining. Be aware of attempting too much, too soon. If you’re going to partner up or work as a team, be sure you’re a compatible fit, and the work is split according to athletic ability.

If you’re feeling ill, overtired, or just plain stressed out, use caution when exercising. It’s easy to become lax during these times, and loose attention to form, technique, detail, even breathing, which can lead to injuries faster than anything else. If you’re a runner and shin splints are a constant, have a Pro take a look at your stride, how your feet hit the pavement, follow through, and form. Remember to stay light on the feet, and stay in tune to the muscles working, and their level of fatigue.

Good shoes are a must. Just because shoes look like new on the outside doesn’t mean they haven’t seen their days. Make note of when you began using a pair of shoes, and keep a general log on the number of hours/miles you’ve put on them. Replace every 500-600 miles. Better yet, have several pairs of shoes, and rotate through them. Consider adding inserts if you can’t afford a new pair quite yet, as it can buy you some time, just be sure you try the various inserts to find the one that works best for you.

Also, many people throw their shoes in the washing machine figuring it’s safe. 
Washing, and especially drying your running shoes in a standard dryer, will typically distort their shape, due to the high temperatures of the dryer and the tossing about of the shoe. The heat alone tends to shrink the material of the shoe. In other words, it’s highly unlikely your shoes will fit properly in the end. There are many washing machines on the market now that could allow one to safely wash shoes, that is IF they have the proper settings: hand wash or a delicate might work. As for older models, it’s best to get a hot soapy washcloth and clean the shoes yourself. NEVER put your running shoes in the dryer!!!! I have a rack that sits in the dryer so shoes, hats, etc., are not being tumbled around, instead the dryer can be set for a low/medium heat and they dry in place as if left outside to dry. Air dry outdoors is your best bet.

Concerned about stinky shoes? Prevent it by ever happening by making sure your feet are clean to begin with, add a dusting of foot powder to the bottom of your foot, use ‘wick-a-way’ moisture socks, and add another light dusting of foot powder to the inside of your shoes. Remove you shoes immediately after training, loosen laces, pull tongue back, and allow them to air out. 

We all have different feet. A pair of shoes that started off okay for short distances, but wreaks havoc on long runs could very well indicate you need an insert. Most inserts found at stores will work just fine. Be sure to try several types, gel, etc., and replace accordingly.

It would be nice to think our structural system is perfect, however, sometimes we need an adjustment. The adjustment could very well be in the hips, knees, or ankles. Chiropractors can suggest specific exercises to strengthen the surrounding muscles around a loose joint to keep the issue in check, and eventually eliminate it. For instance, performing various types of calve raises will strengthen muscles surrounding the area of the shin.

Proper warm-up and stretching cannot be emphasized enough. Never shortchange yourself on your warm-up or cool-down, ditto pre and post-workout stretches. Be sure to include a direct stretch for the shin(s) as well. Basically, this involves standing on both feet. Slightly bend your right leg, and tuck your left foot back, placing the top of the foot onto the floor. Simply rotate through the shin area until you feel a good stretch, repeat with your other leg. Be sure to stretch and utilize the full range of motion (ROM) regardless of the stretch you’re doing.

8. ICE
After any type of intense or long duration workout, ice can help reduce swelling and in turn, lessen and even control pain. I don’t suggest using anti-inflammatory medications, or painkillers, both have negative side effects and take a toll on the liver. I suggest icing the first 24 hours as much as needed, and continue a few times a day for up to three days. At this point, I would introduce hot/cold applications then massage the area entirely. If progress has not been made in 14 days or a bit less, I’d see a doctor to make sure you haven’t done some other type of damage.

Be sure to include lean meats, fish, dairy, fresh fruits and vegetables (especially the dark green leafy kind), whole grains, nuts and seeds in your eating plan. Berries are high in antioxidants so be sure to munch on them as a snack. Nutrients are necessary for repair and rebuilding of damaged tissue, and cells. Be sure to include healthy fats from fish, nuts, and avocado's  as well.

Homeopathic remedies are safe, non-toxic, and are not habit forming. Two I suggest using for shin splints and/or any type of trauma to physical body are:

- Arnica Montana
- Magnesia Phosphorica

Both can be found at a health food store. Take according to the directions on the bottle. Arnica Montana is also available as a gel and cream to work into the skin of the affected area, as well.

I’m not a big fan of taping for shin splints. I feel it’s best to allow them to fully heal, and make sure the above items re all on track for preventative maintenance, however, I realize some of you must run whether you want to or not such as military, etc. In this case taping could save you a lot of pain. Here is a link to help you learn how to wrap properly for shin splints:

We must be aware of our exercise habits, eating regimen, rest/sleep cycles, and mental state of mind. All keep us in good health, and reduce our chances of injury by simply being mindful of them. When you feel pain STOP what you are doing and figure out where the pain is coming from, do not ignore it. Pain is the body’s way of letting us know something is amiss. If you have shin splints, have taken time off, and are beginning to exercise again and feel pain, stop. You need more time to heal, and healing cannot be rushed. Go swimming instead, biking, take advantage of other opportunities, and allow your body to heal.


                                                                    Jill Nix N.H.D., M.H., T.B.M. 
Special thanks to J.R./Crew

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed no hope at all.”   
- Dale Carnegie

mind·set or mind-set  (mīnd′sĕt′) n.
1. A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person's responses to and interpretations of situations.
2. An inclination or a habit.

Mind Set 
I’m choosing to separate the word mindset into two distinct words to help further illustrate its meaning: The mind is literally ‘set’ apart on various attitudes, behaviors, thoughts, assumptions, learning styles, preferences of all kinds; food, drink, mate, hobbies, homes, automobiles, hairstyle, clothing, television programs, music, etc., to politics, economics, education, healthcare, parenting, travel, and on, and on, it goes. One’s mindset is literally the basis from which ALL decisions, beliefs, actions, and understanding are based. It is the ground from which one has firmly sunk their feet in as a giant redwood tree, to ultimately determine what is ‘good, ‘bad’, in between, and steer the individual’s life for all their days. 

With this in mind (no pun intended), would it not be wise then to frequently assess one’s mindset? Say you willingly allowed another individual to make literally ALL your decisions for you, for your whole life. Would you not carefully choose WHO this individual would be? Of course you would!!!!! 

Likewise, one needs to frequently assess their mindset.


We each come with our very own mindset, however, through one’s upbringing, mindset is swayed and conditioned ever so subtly (or perhaps, in some cases, not so subtle at all). Parents, friends, neighbors, teachers, television, movies, books, newspapers, magazines, even such things as the internet with its easy access, can pull up an array of articles that read through enough, can change alter one’s mindset.

However, the mindset unique to the individual never leaves, although it can be deeply buried. You can look within your own family and find similarities of mindset, but you can also find stark differences, as well.

It’s common for me to ask my coaching clients to watch the movie, “The Truman Show”, starring Jim Carrey. It’s about a man who was born and immediately, put up for adoption. A movie director adopted him with the sole intention on making a television show of his life, without the kid ever knowing about it. The director set up a small studio, hired actors and actresses, and it was televised from day one. Soon, the babe grew to a child, and a child to teen, and teen to a working adult. His ‘wife’ was a hired actress, as was his best friend. The set by this point grows to an enormous size, with street lay-outs, and so forth, and is all enclosed in a  huge dome where the artificial sun rises and sets, and weather can be manipulated…… but Truman believes this is real, however, he has nano moments where something just doesn’t seem to be right (his internal mindset getting his attention), but he can’t quite put his finger on it, so he decides to start paying more attention to what is going on in the world around him; the people, environment, and so forth. It has a delightful outcome, as he finally discovers the truth. Good flick, check it out, as much can be learned from this simple movie.

Just as Truman, we are all more or less, raised the same way. We take for granted what mom and dad tell us is true, what we’re taught in school is true, and we believe it because this is what everyone does, and it simply is just how life ‘IS’. Or is it?

“Mindset is how a person is predisposed to look at reality, and that predisposition can’t really be laid out on a piece of paper. It is not an organized step by step program. But nevertheless, it is mindset, and it is the way a person views reality. 

This mindset, ultimately, organizes one’s reality. Not only does it organize the    
aspects of it, the basic components of it, but it also places limitations on it, as if to say reality can go this far, but no further. ”  - J.R. 

People who have similar mindsets often find they have much to talk about. People who do not share a similar mindset can find their relationship a bumpy road if they are not willing to understand the others ‘perspective’, meaning mindset, or it can be a real learning experience, and provide for further growth if both individuals are willing to be open to the possibilities. 

I believe the divorce rate would be much different then one out of every two marriages surviving, and for many that still remain married, that is exactly how they view it, as survival. This is the first indication of importance, as a society, that mindset plays in one’s life, and the huge impact it has on outcomes of an entire society.

Marriage is a topic in and of itself, however, I will say this; many marriages fail because one of the partners has begun to shift their mindset. The other partner then has one of two reactions: 
  1. Be open to the mindset and try to understand where the other is coming from, or 
  2. Be offended by the change in mindset, take it personal, remain fixated on their own mindset (not willing to even consider any other options, as they know they are right, and so forth). This is where trouble begins. 

Partners in a marriage have a choice at this point. The one who is changing their mindset either learns to be quiet about it and do things separately from their spouse to keep things ‘peaceful’, or they ‘stay the course’, and continue on their way regardless of what their spouse feels about it. Remaining quiet to appease one’s ego only causes one to suppress how they really feel, and they will not be happy with their marriage in the end. 

By speaking up and living the new mindset, they feel freedom, yet it causes friction within the marriage. This is just one example of how mindset can impact a persons life.

Mindset implies how one feels, how things are set up, how things operate and what one is supposed to do or needs to do, to navigate their limited picture of reality. 

“Well, I go here, and then I should do this, and then, if that happens over there then I should try and do that”, you know, people try to navigate the best they can given their mindset.”  - J.R.


People are dedicated to their mindset, they pledge allegiance to their mindset, loyalty, and bow down to their mindset. They pretend there is nothing else to see except what their own mindset shows them.  

For many, making the effort to really understand another’s mindset or attempt to change the basic structure of the nature of reality in any way at all, would be ‘strange’, ‘weird’, ‘futile’, ‘puzzling’, and even confusing, as it is asking that person to leave their cherished, cozy, comfort zone.

Billions of people have tremendously dense, heavy, mindsets. 

“Well, this is reality, this is my life….. , I mean here it is, this is what you’ve got to work with, this is ‘the hand’ you’ve been dealt with.”

Mindset can be your personal key to unlimited experiences, education, and personal growth, or it can be your biggest barrier to living a full, creative, adventurous life.

All of this is rarely observed by the person himself. Within their mindset lies the ‘operating instructions’ that one goes by, but doesn’t frequently investigate it with any serious intent, if at all.


The easiest way to ‘get out of the box’, is to start looking where you do not usually look. Question everything in your reality. Just because someone wrote a textbook doesn’t mean it’s truth, hell anyone can write a book, and they do. Think for a moment about my newsletter on SKEWED PERCEPTIONS, particularly, the few paragraphs about who makes the laws, and owns the media, and politicians. Well, guess what? These same people also ‘own’ the educational system, and have for a very, very, long time!!!! That’s right. These wealthy people (who got wealthy by deceiving masses of people via perception/mindset), created  organizations such as the National Education Association (NEA), and many other organizations and publishing houses that have ‘their’ people writing the books, tests, teaching modules, and the finished product called curriculum, such as Common Core. Don’t believe me? I’ve done my homework, perhaps, you will do yours.

Now, say you had the funds to do the same thing. Imagine the difference in the outcome of the education of an entire nation. Do you not see where this has a tremendous impact on not only one’s mindset, but an entire nation? Let’s say history books contain less than 1% truth. Even if you do not believe this, just ‘pretend’ it’s true for a moment….  you can’t help but wonder, “So, just what in the world is the history of this nation? World?” Hmmm.

I throw this out there because this is exactly what opens up a CAN of worms for you to start looking at, and allow your mind to expand. Let’s face it, how many people question their ‘reality’?

You must realize, one sets their mindset largely upon what ‘exists’. Period. If it exists, it’s real, and therefore a position of mind can be taken accordingly, but if it cannot be seen, heard, touched, etc., no one talks about it, well…. it doesn’t exist unless we read about it, or watch a movie…… and just who’s writing the material? Making the movies?  The same jokers running a number of scams that people believe to be ‘legit’. 

Are you getting the picture?  

Okay, I’ve taken the long route to convey a simple yet profound lesson on mindset. Now, let’s move on to how this affects you:

  • Are you married?
  • Looking for a partner?
  • Have kids? The more kids, the more complex the mindset equation becomes.
  • Have values? Morals?
  • Goals?
  • Eat?
  • Drink?
  • Train? 

The list is as long as there are things that exist (that you both comprehend, and do not yet comprehend).

Your mindset can hold you prisoner, cost you pain, or bring you joy, growth, and be the driving force behind each and every one of your successes.

In fact, working with people for over three decades, I can testify to you first hand how the goals of many athletes, business people, teachers, entertainer’s and health care professionals (to name a few), were like a horse with a carrot dangling in front of their face. They worked hard, very, very hard… for years, but never really got a grip on actually reaching that one goal they strived for in numerous ways over the years, until they began to change their mindset. 

I asked them, purposely, to read material contrary to what they believed, agreed with, and so forth. I had others in the media go out and interview people whose position on a topic was controversial to their own.

I’ve asked writers to write something completely different from anything they’ve ever done, such as write about a day in the life of a telephone, etc.

Sound silly? So be it, because it works!!!!! But as I always tell you:

“Believe nothing you read, nothing you hear,  and only half of what you see.”

Take no one’s word for anything, including mine!!!!! Check it all out yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Don’t have time? Then make time, it’s THAT important. 

Who you are, and everything about you, and the tapestry of your life, is all engineered via your mindset. Are there things to set your mind on as ‘IT’? Of course, living the LAWS, as originally intended could very well be a basis for mindset, outside of that, I honestly can not find anything that doesn’t deserve investigation. Even the LAWS deserve investigation. You do not know what they have to offer you unless you actually live them. 
I love the above quote. It is TRUTH! To see what one has not, or cannot see, means 


This is what Ford did, Edison did, Emerson, the under-acknowledged Tesla, along with every great artist, entertainer, scientist, engineer, and every other truly successful person. 

A friend of mine has desired to win a medal at the Olympics for
years!!!! She has trained relentlessly throughout, and is at the age where this is her last shot. I encourage her every time we’re together to look at things differently then she has in the past, in hopes it will help her develop a new mindset in conjunction with her goal. She’s made the Olympic Team once already, but didn’t receive the medal she has wanted for such a long time. She didn’t make the Team this year but has a shot at making a New World Record. M.I.N.D.S.E.T. 

Whether it’s muscle you want to put on, or fat you want to lose, make a team, become Spec Op, begin exercising, or improve your eating habits, take the time to evaluate your mindset. Also, know the ‘why’ you want to do it. It has got to have passion and meaning behind it, or it will wither as a flower without water.

No matter what you are currently doing and striving to achieve, fulfill, and make a reality in your life, your mindset is the key. 

                                                        Happy Day!

PS - If I can be of assistance in assisting you with ‘breaking out of the box’, please, contact me.


                                                                     Jill Nix N.H.D., M.H., T.B.M.
“Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.”

Just as the Ancient Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer has said, 

“The shortest distance between two points is a straight line.” Archimedes

It’s competition season and athletes are in full swing to stay on top of their game. It’s also summer and a wonderful time to do photo shoots outdoors, as well as, take those summer vacations, get married, and on it goes. 

The nation comes to life at the first sign of spring, and there is much hustling and bustling going on. The traffic grows heavy, long lines, crowded parks, the sound of a lawn mower or two can be heard humming away each day, people are out on their motorcycles, taking their atv’s off road, camping, fishing, hiking, biking, swimming, boating, water skiing, sight seeing, kids playing night games, running carefree through some sprinklers, peeps rock climbing, sky diving, going for their first glider ride, the screams of thrill can be heard from an amusement park a half mile away, park concerts, soccer and baseball games, people playing tennis, horseshoes, volleyball, the list goes on and on……

Then we have spring/summer house cleaning, garage cleaning, going through closets, drawers, and so forth finding what still fits our kids and what doesn’t getting them set for a new school year. There are vehicles that need maintenance, grass that needs mowing, flowers to water, a garden to plant and tend, weeds to pull, sprinklers to repair, flat tires needing attention, fruit trees to harvest, kids activities, laundry, not mention working for a living, exercising, and eating healthy!!!!!! Of course, this list can go on.

Are you feeling dizzy or overwhelmed yet?


Because I have many clients, both athlete’s and those involved in Life Coaching  programs, as well as those learning how to grow and utilize herbs and natural remedies, for the health and well being of their families, that all have the same issue at one point or another…..


There just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day, not enough hands, and many people, events, activities, and commitments demanding their time and attention. 

Overwhelm sets in, despondency, depression, apathy and a general irritability towards life and those around them. True happiness begins to fade into the background, life becomes a chore, almost a military drill….. 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4……….

This is generally when a person will begin sleeping in, running late, eating haphazardly, exercise is not as enjoyable as it used to be, just getting exercise into the day leads to frustration. Whether the person be male or female, if they are a parent and they notice the kids, and overall household becoming an unpleasant place to be due to negativity, they can be sure the ‘disease’ is spreading like a wildfire.
It’s a double red flag if that person shows up to work and their co-workers are reflecting it as well, or are avoiding that particular person altogether. Not a good sign, and indeed a wake-up call to examine what exactly is going on in one’s life.

Just as I mentioned in last week’s newsletter about the ‘Peaks and Valley’s’ in one’s life, this is one area that if not consciously corrected, the individual can get so far off the path they could very well lose their job, watch their marriage fall apart before their eyes, and develop some nasty habits that further thwart progress to goals, and will use up more time, energy, and resources to deal in the process.



First off, chances are this is not the first time you have found yourself overwhelmed with responsibility, commitments, and so forth. Secondly, realize just as you worked your way through and out of the quicksand before, you can and will do it again. 

As my Warriors well know, ‘Shit Happens’, and it’s how one handles that S%#! on every level of their being that will determine how much growth ultimately comes to the individual, the pace at which it is assimilated, cemented into one’s ‘Learning Library’, and then able to turn around and be of assistance to someone else.

  1. Realize you have a choice of the attitude with which you choose to deal with your responsibilities, commitments, and so forth.
  2. Realize the part you have played in creating your circumstances.
  3. Realize you are accountable and responsible for these circumstances.
  4. Understand your example is being both seen and felt by those around you for better, or for worse.
  5. Understand the manner in which you choose to handle your circumstances will have an effect on your health, both mental and physical.
  6. Circumstances in life will play out one way or another, why not take charge of such instead of allowing circumstances to run one’s life?


  1. Sit down and decide what the really important things and people are in your life and write them down. 
  2. Next, make a list of what is currently taking up your time, energy and resources.
  3. Now make a list of your responsibilities and commitments.
  4. Finally, write down your Top Three Goals.

Now, examine these lists. Really examine them.   

  1. Are all these things necessary?
  2. Can some of them be delegated to others, such as your children? Co-workers? You may even consider paying someone to take care of it for you; a locksmith, plumber, etc.
  3. Be honest with yourself. Are you a control freak? Do things have to be done your way? Do you find you feel as though you have to be in charge of A, B, C, D, etc.?
  4. Have your circumstances been brought about by poor time management? Poor spending? Committing to too much? Making unrealistic commitments? Over-planning? Not leaving yourself space to ‘breathe’ each day?

Begin to simplify lists 1, 2, and 3. This is well worth your time and effort. If you were a business owner would you just simply let your accountant run the books without looking in upon them and taking stock yourself?

Your life is much more important than keeping books, so make time to do it. 

Time, energy, and resources vs. the people and things that are important in your  life, and your Top Three Goals. It’s that simple!

Remember my newsletter on SACRIFICE? You are sacrificing every day!!!! Are your sacrifices being consciously made? If not, I guarantee you, you are wasting time, energy, and resources. Period.

Living a busy life that seems to literally consume you each day, is no different than training “Balls to the Walls”, each day. You are wearing yourself out, running perhaps on autopilot, and your end objectives (the things and people that really matter to you), are lost in the process. Is it really worth it?

Don’t get me wrong, there are certainly times in each of our lives where circumstances are such we must run double time, but to live like this day in and day out, with no measure of progress, is fruitless.

In my book (which is yet to be written, but is on it’s way), there are two types of busy:

  1. One in which consumes you and much is lost, wasted, and leaves one feeling unhappy, tired, hopeless, etc.

2. The other where the individual has consciously called the shots, and is busy  
    according to them, their goals, and the people and things that bring them 
    satisfaction and joy; which in return blesses all around them, and makes all 
    involved happier, their lives enriched, and sets them on the path for further 

The choice is yours, please, do not allow yourself to be so busy as to not have time to make a logical choice. Life is too short. Live life to its fullest.

Although it’s important to move forward in one’s life strategically, it is also important to be flexible, and crucial to allow pockets of time for both spontaneity, and personal space with which to both evaluate your life and create that in which you desire, in your life.


You may find you need to simplify things at work this week, your training the next, meal plans the next, relationships the next…. life is ever changing and our personal needs and circumstances are such that one must become mindful and make conscious decisions on what to simplify, when to simplify, and know it is a process.
Simplifying has allowed my clients and athletes to be ‘stage ready’, with confidence, event ready with solid focus, fitness models to be ‘camera ready’, with peace of mind, calm nerves, and an aura about them that exudes contentment. 

It has blessed mothers to be not only be calm in frazzling circumstances, but to take charge by knowing what they want out of life, what they desire for their children, and realize they do not have to ‘do it all’. 

It has helped many men look forward to work, thrive in the areas corresponding to their goals, and go home to their families, and others, in a happy state of mind, having mastered the art of simplicity!

Children are able to learn this art by watching the adults in their lives make decisions and talk about them out loud, so the kids understand the process, the evaluating, weighing things out, and the outcomes of those decisions. They learn there are times to let go of things, and time to evaluate and change things up. Involve the children in the art of delegation. Children can learn to lead their lives without becoming control freaks. They can learn just as you and I, how to choose between good and better, better and great, and great and greater, and greater to phenomenal.  
                                               It’s a beautiful thing.

   If I can be of assistance, please, contact me:

                                     Have a wonderful, successful week!