Monday, September 27, 2010


Yea! You heard me right...Tight Body has finally (well, seems like finally to me anyway), been filmed. It's been a long time in the making. It was set to filmed a couple months ago, but one of my sons suddenly could no longer swallow food, and was down to nothing but water thin liquids. Not good when your only nine years old. After at least a month of not eating, and too many Dr. appts.,  we finally found him relief, and he's happily eating again, I am very grateful. Nevertheless, TBBC was postponed. 

We, the Tight Body Team and I, had a great weekend. When I say the 'Tight Team', I mean everybody, production crew, athletes, my good friends who have been such a support to me, and of course that Ultimate One. We worked it hard, played hard, and I'm sure my athletes are now resting and recovering hard (not to mention putting down quite a bit of water and other yum, yums, meaning nutrient rich food, of course). 

It was phenomenal to see the change in people as they came in for the day, and left for the day. Miracles were taking place before our very eyes, very touching. I was impressed by the good sportsmanship of the athletes, great attitudes, and sense of 'all for one, and one for all' Team attitude. Great people. 

I hope to have Tight Body Boot Camp available for you ASAP!!! We are already editing, and hard at work to get it to you. Thanks for your support. 

Keep your dreams alive, and never let them rest.

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