Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happiness and Health

What does happiness have to do with health? ALOT! A happy soul makes for a happy person, makes for a happy family, a happy workplace, happy hormones, which makes for a healthy body. Be happy. 

Have you ever been around a negative person? 


Negative people live off your energy folks, avoid them like the plaque. 
Of course we all have times when we're feeling less than upbeat, when life throws us a curve ball, when our hearts ache, but there is something to be learned from the experience and then it is time to move on. Sure it's okay to mourn, to cry, to share our disgruntlements with others, as we are human and humans are meant to communicate. Communication is one way to sort through feelings which allows us to see things more clearly, deal with them more directly, and move forward, with a new hope, with inspiration, with determination. It's when we get 'stuck in the rut', that perspectives can become clouded, and last way too long. This in turn affects the best of all relationships, as no one like to be around a permanent 'Crank'.


You are your own chemical manufacturing plant. That's right, within you lies a powerful system capable of manufacturing all kinds of potent chemicals, which equals endless opportunities. When a person experiences feeling, they immediately begin sending signals to the hypothalamus, which in turn pumps out peptides in relation to what they're feeling. Have the same feeling long enough and these peptides will latch onto receptors in the brain and make a new home. When this new cell splits it has the inherent makings of the same feelings times ten! 

Yes, there are individuals who, for some unfortunate reason, have chemical imbalances that need intervention. This should be the exception not the rule. I find more and more doctors handing out anti-depressants to patients. Utah is known as the Anti-Depressant capitol of the country. What is up with that? If a person needs help, by all means get help, you deserve to be happy. Just be sure it's in your favor, the benefits outweigh the risks, and it's something you're educated about and comfortable with. 

Like all gifts, some are to be shared and others treasured by one. Happiness works much the same way, at times we can share freely, at others times the happiness is tucked away safely. One thing is for sure, happy people radiate, they glow, they are like magnets to those around them. They are easily approached, easy to talk to, easy to spend time with, easy to just sit contently quietly with. 

Fake it till you make it. Sooner or later the peptides will get the message you mean business and WANT to be happy, and begin working in your favor, and like your happiness, will start affecting the cells around them the same way a happy person rubs off on the people around them. I'm so thankful for happy people, for people who smile, who greet me with a 'Good morning', it makes my day. I hope I too can share the happiness with those around me, as life is too short to be unhappy.

Happy people get sick less often, miss work less often, have happy relationships with those around them, and in turn save bundles on doctor visits, medications, time off work, fuel, and have been found to have less disease. Coincidence? I think not. 

If you see someone who needs a listening ear, listen. If someone needs a hug, hug them. If their heads are hanging down, help bring their sights back up. We all have our days. We might not be able to help everyone, but we can at least be mindful of those around us. If they respond, wonderful, if they are not interested, then maintain your happiness and be on your way. Many a person has had a better day simply by another individual sharing a smile, or as simple a thing as holding a door open for them. 

Happiness is important to health, to longevity, to relationships. Happiness is to be felt, shared, enjoyed, and experienced. Like I've said before, evaluate your life, decide what you are happy with and what you are not. Make goals, take action, cast fear aside. If you're waiting for someone else to 'make' you happy you could be waiting a mighty long time. Look within. 


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