Tuesday, May 13, 2014


"A champion is afraid of losing. Everyone else is afraid of winning." - Billie Jean King

Odd name isn't it? So contradictory, yet people do it to themselves day in and day out, complaining along the way why they haven't been able to succeed with this, that, and the other thing.

Here's a few scenarios:

- A person wants to lose weight (body fat), ever so badly. They hire a qualified trainer, spare no expense in training wear, buy the best shoes on the market.... and then eat fast food 3-4 times a week, and have a few glasses of wine here and there.

- The student who complains how taxing school studies are, yet spends hours at a time playing their favorite games on the their smart phone, Facebooking, and watching their favorite nightly programs.

- The person who's always commenting how they wish they could do this, that or the other thing with themselves, or their life, but fail to take any directed action and know they don't take any initiative to change it. 

Do you ever stop to ask why people sabotage their own success? It's sure easy to look at someone else and determine why they aren't successful at such and such, isn't it? Obvious, you say. But what about yourself? Is it as obvious? Probably not, but deep down  I bet you have a feeling about what it is, it may even be knawing at you.... for years!

Today, I encourage all of us to take a reality check. Take inventory. Stop judging others and instead, apply that energy towards yourself, in a positive way. Stop sabotaging yourself! 

I believe many times people already know, not only what the issues are in their life that's sabotaging their success, but they also know the solutions. Stop procrastinating. 

Bring that dream to life. Make it a reality.

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