Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Time to Catch Up!

Hi Team:

I apologize it's been so long since I have posted. It's been a very, very, extra busy month for me, with some unexpected twists and turns. Like I always say, "Expect the Unexpected"! It has also given me the opportunity to take a breather in other ways, and do some self-evaluating. I'm grateful for the opportunity to have this self-reflective time, as it has helped to further cement the people, events, and agendas that are truly important to me. I hope you may do the same. Please, do not wait for some unfortunate event to open your eyes to what you believe in life, what gives you strength, what puts bounce in your step each day, and makes you want to leap to your feet as you awaken each morning, or the people who mean the world to you. I make an assessment each day both upon waking, and before retiring for the day, however, this last event was enough to take the assessing to the next level. I'm grateful.

Here we are in May. It's outdoor time. Okay, I know for many of you it's outdoor time all year round, but for us folks here in Utah, the weather has been unpredictable. We've had a day here and a day there where we've had a touch of true spring weather, you know, warm sun on your skin, the birds are singing your tune all day, the sound of children playing echo's throughout every neighborhood, and you hear the breeze rustling through the leaves, yes, leaves, not bare branches. It is truly an amazing time of year when the earth seems to renew itself, refresh itself, and send a sign to all of life on earth that all is well. At the same time, we witness both far and near the fierceness of Mother Nature, as she unleashes her power in various ways. Nature is truly amazing, fascinating, and yet terrifying at the same time, yet, we go on. 

I believe this is how we must approach life, as well, one day at a time...with amazement, gratitude, fascination, and yes, at times we may even become terrified, yet, we too, must move through the emotion to the other side if we are to prevail, if we are to overcome, if we are to endure, if we are to succeed. Apply this method to any goal, obstacle (real or perceived), or relationship in your life, and you will indeed, succeed. You see, it is when one stands still, makes no decision, takes no initiative, and simply lingers from day to day, that they die a slow death, along with their goals, dreams, desires, and future plans. Walk, my friends. Move, decide, plan, execute, fail here and there, and yes, succeed. Sure, stop to smell the roses along the way, regroup, reassess, refocus if necessary, then keep scooting your way along the roller coaster of life with all it's thrills, and at times, disappointments. Recognize both for what they are. Embrace the moments that bring you peace, enlightenment, and serenity. Share. Believe. Achieve.


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