Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving: What Does It Mean To You?

Aah, it's that time of year again. The leaves are falling, a chill is in the air, and if you live in a place like Utah, you have some snow on the ground. It's Thanksgiving.

It was a time of great adventure for the Pilgrims, landing in new territory, starting life anew, worshipping as they pleased, and living as they desired. It was also a time of great trial, and test of faith, as they met with cruel diseases, relentless weather, and didn't have enough homes or crops to support the masses, fast enough. The Indians, on the other hand, weren't quite sure what to make of these new beings inhabiting their territory. They watched them ever so closely, how they worked, hunted, built, fed their people, and cared for their sick. The Indians noticed how many of the Pilgrims had fallen ill, and how difficult it became for the Pilgrims to work the land, and get the food and medicine they needed. The Indians felt compassion. The Pilgrims needed help. We all know what happens next, the Indians assisted the Pilgrims, both peoples taught one another their ways, and a celebration was had for all. A celebration of harvest, health, friendship, and new beginnings.

We can learn plenty. We learn not to be too quick to judge one another. We learn that we can dress differently, live in different housing, eat different food fare, shop differently, and have different colored skin, and live together in a society in peace, if all parties are on the same wavelength. We learn no matter who we are, where we're from, or how strong we believe we are, we're all subject to illness, and disease. We learn compassion from these people. We learn sacrifice. We learn dedication. We learn that no matter how many differences there may appear on the outside, as human beings we all have the same basic needs and desires. 

Is there a difference? Look around you. What do you see? What do you read in the newspapers, and watch on the news? Has society changed over the years? Yes and no. Yes, as in there is much strife. There is much commercialism in holidays. No, as in there are many people who carry peace in their minds, love in their souls, and warmth in their hearts. Many greatly desire to show love for one another, to reach out to those around them, to strengthen those around them, and to be of service. It's all about choice. We are free to choose  how to spend our holidays, how to celebrate, how to give thanks. One thing for sure, it's more than a big feast, it truly is a celebration.

I'm celebrating life. I'm grateful for my family. I'm grateful that I have many fine brothers and sisters whom I love dearly, and have bonds with so tight, they are priceless. I'm grateful I have a sister and a brother who have both dealt with, and continue to deal with cancer, and are not only alive, but are troopers, examples of faith, strength, and determination. I'm grateful for parents who did the best they could, under the circumstances they were in, to raise me. I love them dearly. My mother has taught me nothing is impossible, she has always believed in everything I do. My father has taught me to pay attention to everything, learn, and listen. I'm grateful for a stepmother who's been a friend throughout the years. I'm grateful for my wonderful friends. For my special friends, the ones who have touched my life forever. You know who you are because I make it a point to tell you!!! I'm grateful for my Teams, each of you are a Golden Nugget in my life. I'm grateful for my Mentors, who are always there for me. I am grateful for the many men and women who serve this wonderful country we live in, for their faith, service, sacrifice, dedication, and determination. I am grateful for so much my heart could burst. 

What are you thankful for? Make a list of the 10 top things that come to your mind. Express thanks to those people who show up on your list, don't be afraid to tell them how you feel. They are the 'keepers'. Life is too short my friends. 

May your holiday be filled with good times, good memories, good people, joy, and abundance. Hugs!


  1. Well said!
    My wife of whom I am most grateful for speaks very highly of you. Your possitive outloook is inspiring. Each day I am Grateful To have an opportunity to Learn, Grow, Serve, and be of greater worth in referrence of charactor and integrity. I am grateful for my beautiful children and the individual personalities that make them so special to me. My health is a gift and by exercise and nutrition I feel worthy of it. I am also grateful for the person that you are as you have been very helpful in training my wife. And My wife is the greatest women I know. Thank you for your diligence and example.

  2. Wow. Thank you!!!! You have just made my day! As I hope to make a difference in the life of everyone I meet. Your comments are truly touching, and great felt. I hope to meet you soon.
