Sunday, February 8, 2015

Body Fat: An inside look.


We all ponder from time to time, some perhaps, daily, what our body fat% is, and what it means to us. 

It's an important number to know, and keep on top of, why? Because body fat tissues are one of the main storage spots for toxins. Environmental toxins, chemical toxins, additives, flavorings, and coloring toxins, preservative toxins, and yes, even toxins you produce yourself through metabolism, and an even bigger shocker...... in your brain. Yes, toxic thoughts: Anger, fear, shame, guilt, resentment, etc., are triggers to the brain to start producing chemicals to go with these emotions. Hence, depression at it's best.

I was astounded to come across this sign. At least they're being honest and posting it. Unfortunately, many are not posted or the grocery stores would be loaded with mini billboards.

I always found it interesting that Utah was at the top of the list for anti-depressants, as Utah is where Mormonism has quite a following. Being  Mormon for many years, I never remember anyone speaking out on the topic of depression. Obviously, the people in Utah aren't as happy as they appear. This isn't anything religious, just an observation.

Back to the subject at hand. Happy feelings create happy chemicals in the brain, hence, the 'Runner's High', otherwise known as endorphins. The feel good hormone. Feelings of joy, love, kindness, care, adventure, and happiness create more of the same. This is why you'll often hear experts tell you to 'think positive', 'smile', etc. I say, fake it until you make it. Try it. The next time you don't feel like smiling, force yourself to smile and say 'hi', to someone, you might be surprised how it changes both of your attitudes.

To make a long story, short. Generally, the more body fat an individual carries, the more toxins they are holding. 

How many people do you know go overboard eating 'clean' food, to the point they start gaining fat? You get the point? 

It's the manmade concoctions, with all the manmade flavors, manmade colors, manmade additives, manmade preservatives, and the little addictive substances man sneaks into these products that get people into trouble... as fat storing bins.

The above chemicals wreak havoc with your natural body responses of leptin and ghrelin. The body loses it's ability to understand when it's had enough to eat, when to stop eating, and a domino effect begins to tumble through the body affecting hormones, glands, the gut, and brain, to name a few.

This is why, when one begins a meal plan, assuming it's based on the basics of nature and NOT some manmade theory of high this, low that, none of that, etc, and has you eating REAL food. The body will naturally begin to cleanse the fat cells, and with them, toxins. It's important to drink an abundance of water during this time to facilitate the process. 

Signs of de-toxing are: Headache, stomach discomfort, dizziness, insomnia, fatigue, skin rash, foggy thinking, and for some a general feeling of malaise. It generally lasts a week to ten days. Make it through this process, and you are on your way to a healthier, happier body.

One thing I recommend is to add the juice of one fresh lemon to 16 oz. of room temperature water, first thing upon waking. Drink at least 8 oz. at the start, and sip the rest down. If it doesn't work with your schedule during the week, then consider doing it on the weekends. It will perk up your whole system, aid the liver in cleansing, and give you a boost of energy. This can be done on a daily basis once you clear much of the body's acidity from the tissues and cells, otherwise, I would recommend once a week until the body becomes more alkaline.


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