Monday, January 31, 2011

End of the Month Assessment #1

Hi Team:

Here we are, at the end of the first month of 2011. How did your goals come along for the month? Remember, it is by the daily decisions and choices we make, which will determine our outcome. Look at where you are, make note what has been accomplished, and give yourself a pat on the back!

Look at what didn't get accomplished and figure out why, and what course of action needs to be taken to get the job done, and done right. Get a mentor if you do not currently have one. Get educated on whatever subject it is you need educating on. Determination and inner drive are key elements to any successful endeavor. What's your rate of both on a scale of one to ten? Rate yourself honestly, for if you do not have the necessary drive or determination, you could very well be traveling down the wrong path. For the things we greatly desire tend to come with both (drive and determination) price tags firmly attached, no refunds, no exchanges.

I always view month one of the new year as a proving ground for self-success, self-awareness, and inner drive, as well as test grounds for my plans to reach desired goals and outcomes. You can easily see where your shortcomings are, and the trail of pitfalls that tend to be marked the same. This is a call to action. This is your ticket to improving your plan, yourself, and your mental toughness. 

Each month is the time to assess, implement, and bump it up a notch, no excuses. Do your best to fill in any missing gaps. Know the teacher always appears, when the student is (truly) ready. 


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